Statistical Rainfall Forecasts in the Tropics Based on Spatio-Temporal Precipitation Properties and Tropical Wave Activity

Precipitation forecasts for one up to several days are of high socioeconomic importance throughout the tropics, regarding both the occurrence as well as the amount of precipitation. However, forecasts based on numerical weather prediction models and …

The Challenge of Classifying Propagating Synoptic Disturbances in the African Tropics – Examples from the DACCIWA Field Campaign

Decades of meteorological research have produced a plethora of sophisticated conceptual models for midlatitude weather systems such as the Norwegian cyclone or the conveyor-belt models. For tropical climates, such models are generally more scattered. …

Modulation of precipitation over West Africa by equatorial waves

Equatorial waves can couple with deep convection and thus modulate rainfall on the synoptic timescale throughout the tropics. Until now, however, no comparative study of the influence of all the different wave types on precipitation has been …

Statistical ensemble postprocessing for precipitation forecasting during the West African Monsoon

Precipitation forecasts for one up to several days are of high socioeconomic importance for agriculturally dominated societies in West Africa. In this contribution, we evaluate the performance of operational European Centre for Medium-Range Weather …

Statistical forecasting for precipitation over West Africa based on spatio-temporal precipitation properties and tropical wave activity

Precipitation forecasts for one up to several days are of high socioeconomic importance for agriculturally dominated societies in West Africa, regarding both the occurrence as well as the amount of precipitation. However, disappointingly forecasts …

Statistical forecasting of tropical rainfall using equatorial waves

Despite their high socio-economic importance, forecasts of tropical rainfall on a synoptic timescale are still quite poor. Due to the complex nature of convection, numerical weather prediction (NWP) models largely fail to deliver reliable and …

Statistical postprocessing for precipitation forecasts during the West African Monsoon

Statistical postprocessing for ensemble forecasts has undergone many improvements recently. Commonly used methods are Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA) and Ensemble Model Output Statistics (EMOS), but have pre- dominantly been applied over the …

The Impact of Climate Modes and Precipitation on Tanzanian Maize Yield

Previous research has shown the significant impact of the two climate modes El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) on the interannual variability of Tanzanian rainfall. However, the relationship of these modes to crop yield …