Andreas Schlueter, Andreas H. Fink, Peter Knippertz, Peter Vogel
Modulation of Precipitation over West Africa by Equatorial Waves.
American Meteorological Society, 33rd Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Ponte Vedra, FL, USA, 16-20 April 2018.
Peter Knippertz, Andreas H. Fink, Adrien Deroubaix, Eleanor Morris, Flore Tocquer, Matthew Evans, Cyrille Flamant, Marco Gaetani, Christophe Lavaysse, Celine Mari, John H. Marsham, Rémi Meynadier, Abalo Affo-Dogo, Titike K. Bahaga, Fabien Brosse, Konrad Deetz, Ridha Guebsi, Issaou Latifou, Marlon Maranan, Philip D. Rosenberg, Andreas Schlueter
A meteorological and chemical overview of the DACCIWA field campaign in West Africa in June–July 2016.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.
Andreas Schlüter, Weiqing Han, Katja Friedrich, Alexander Knohl
The Impact of Climate Modes and Precipitation on Tanzanian Maize Yield.
Tropentag 2015, International Research on Food Security, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development Management of Land Use Systems for Enhanced Food Security: Conflicts, Controversies and Resolutions, Berlin, Germany, 16th-18th September 2015.